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Semester 3

Art can reshape our beliefs of history by depicting a different perspective surrounding a controversial topic. For example, this semester I went to the Strathmore museum field trip and one of the exhibits I saw was a portrait of a girl’s high school senior photos on a fruit cardboard box. The artist was chicana and her subject was the American perception of Mexican immigrants. Many people, more than you’d imagine unfortunately, believe that Mexicans are bad for America, that they bring drugs, are delinquents, and benefit solely of the taxpayer’s dollar. The artist of the exhibit (I forgot her name) was depicting the truth; Mexican immigrants work very hard, and in not the most ideal occupations. The exhibit represents that she credits her parent’s hard work at a fruit farm to her high school graduation. This allows the audience to sympathize and be open to a different perspective. The theoretical models for the creative process are preparation, incubation, illumination, evaluation, and verification. The practical strategies that can be used to initiate that process include brainstorming and researching. These methods were very important in creating my Capstone project. I had to brainstorm what I am going to do, and I had to research my topic, and song cycle. Now I am in the incubation stage in which I will piece together my evidence and research and begin writing my lecture. I think we can better incorporate feedback by having multiple people look at our projects. I enjoyed having peer review this semester, in addition to Harold’s, Heather’s, and Gabi’s comments. By having multiple people looking at my Capstone studies, it allows for numerous perspectives and provides constructive criticism. It also attributes that the criticism is additive not repetitive as it could be if it was received as a discussion. The biggest event that has changed everyone’s lives this year is the COVID-19 pandemic. One artistic approach of the pandemic that struck me was a video of Banksy painting the London subway trains in graffiti. The art depicted rats interacting with face masks. There is a rat fiddling with a mask, a rat taking off the mask with germs spewing from it, a rat with hand sanitizer, and a rat using the mask as a parachute. Banksy also painted a platform with the words, “I get lockdown”, and then the train’s doors have, “I get up again”. Art Scholars helped me realize that nothing is just what it seems. For instance, I think Banksy’s interpretation of the rat and the parachute suggests that a face mask, like a parachute, can save lives. I don’t think I would’ve thought twice about symbolism had it not been for the many visual art speakers we have had. I think the theoretical models not only apply to Capstone but also to my voice lessons. I have to prepare the music notes, language, and the background. I have to incubate my knowledge from preparing the piece in my lesson with my teacher. When I understand the exercise my teacher instructs me to do, I become illuminated. Then I am evaluated in my grade, and I verify what I have learned in my studio performance and jury. I believe my learning was improved from Art Scholars in that I made good friends from this program. I learned a lot about photography, and Harry Styles from Ally; how to be more kind and have an open mind from Katie; and I learned so much about music and Maryland from Tyler. I think the Art Scholars program just has such wonderful students, so I definitely have learned a lot from my peers. I don’t believe I’ve contributed much to the Arts Scholars program. All I can say is that I talk a lot in my TA groups, and I’ve maintained friendships with people I’ve met through the program. Next semester, I will be able to say that my Capstone would count as a music pentathlon for my peers as well as entertainment and a learning experience. I would’ve liked to contribute more however it is much more difficult in an online environment. I think the friends I have made with Scholars also offer a challenge or insight into my own opinions. For example, I used to believe in an idea and one of my friends challenged me on it, and I realized that I was mistaken to believe that way. The fact that it was my peer made me more susceptible to a new idea. I think exploring opinions that are different from your own can solidify or change your opinion. Therefore, you have the most background knowledge in order to make an informed decision about how you feel and can back it up.

Reflections: Image

Semester 4

This is a space to reflect on your fourth semester and time in Arts Scholars.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquet blandit nibh in laoreet. Proin faucibus felis sapien, ut lobortis eros dictum quis. Sed sodales diam sed congue blandit. Morbi vel nisi condimentum, dignissim ipsum id, auctor lacus. Integer ac arcu non nunc sollicitudin posuere ac id neque. Phasellus elementum facilisis libero at sodales. Donec porttitor augue lorem, nec consectetur eros facilisis nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean volutpat tempor massa. Integer auctor in eros ut pulvinar. Donec feugiat volutpat justo, vel aliquet eros volutpat at. In vitae ipsum aliquam, lacinia enim id, malesuada est. Phasellus pretium ipsum venenatis, fringilla leo at, eleifend orci.

Mauris eget hendrerit ipsum. Morbi eu ullamcorper purus, et rutrum magna. Aenean faucibus a dolor at aliquet. Pellentesque iaculis ac purus quis sagittis. Phasellus dapibus tortor vel scelerisque malesuada. Aliquam vitae sem sapien. Morbi aliquet elit vitae nunc tempor iaculis. Nam feugiat orci sed sollicitudin posuere. Nulla aliquet vitae nisl a lobortis. Pellentesque purus ex, laoreet ornare magna eu, dictum faucibus magna. Mauris euismod eu ex ac pretium. Sed placerat ipsum quis diam ornare porttitor. Etiam interdum orci id nisi varius, id mollis velit lobortis. Nullam id sapien ullamcorper mauris egestas vestibulum sit amet quis lorem.

Nulla mattis sapien lectus, quis blandit nisl mollis et. Nullam sit amet lacus tristique, lacinia dui quis, convallis purus. Vivamus at sem nec justo consectetur facilisis. Fusce mattis hendrerit placerat. Fusce nec mi nec nisl lobortis aliquet sit amet ornare eros. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas tincidunt a risus vel mollis. Integer sed efficitur diam. Quisque in tempus justo. Mauris volutpat venenatis aliquam. Pellentesque scelerisque tortor ut nulla condimentum tincidunt. Phasellus suscipit porttitor odio, non vehicula nisi interdum a. Nulla dignissim fringilla dolor, eu elementum erat rutrum eget. Ut molestie leo sed blandit suscipit. Sed blandit nec ante nec pretium.

Remember to add credits for images when necessary (i.e. you do not own the image). 

A Book
Reflections: Image

Sami Scholar

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